Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The oldest and most characteristic of Indian knives. The pectiliarity lies in the handle which is made up of two parallel bars connected by two, or more, crosspieces, one of which is at the end of the side bars and is fastened to the blade. The Katar is wrapped to the hand to optimize the grip. The blades are always double-edged and generally straight, but occasionally curved. They are of all lengths from a few inches to about three feet. European blades of the 16th and 17th centuries were often used, especially by the Mahrattas. Katars with original blades are often thickened at the point to strengthen them for use against armor. When European blades are used they are always riveted to projections from the hilt. The native blades are often forged in one piece with it. The blades are sometimes forked at the point, and even three blades occur. The Indian armies occasionally made Katars that were hollow and served as sheaths for smaller ones; or with three blades that folded together, appearing to be one, until handle bars were pressed together, when they opened out.

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